Do You Know the Truth About Food?

True or False?

Everyone should eat green beans to be healthy.

False. Green beans are healthy for some people, but others would do better choosing a different vegetable.

True or False?

If you want to be really healthy, you should become a vegetarian/vegan.

False. While a small percentage of people do well with these lifestyles, the overwhelming majority people need some form of flesh protein in their diet.

Information regarding healthy eating is usually good for general knowledge, but to be truly healthy, we each do well to eat according what our specific bodies need. We are all different—different blood types, different metabolic types, different body types, different constitutions—it makes sense that some foods would be healthy for some, but not others. This is why our health is best when we have an individualized diet. As we find the perfect foods for our specific bodies, our overall health can improve. Increased energy, weight loss, improved cognitive function & memory, enhanced digestion and other health improvements can be easily achieved with an individualized eating plan.

What are your health goals?

Let’s work together to form a customized plan to accomplish those goals.

Nutritional counseling begins with detailed discussion and continues with a customized diet plan according to your specific dietary needs. I teach the importance of metabolic typing, food combinations, label reading, organic foods, food sources, and how the nutritional content of food can impact your healing and overall wellness.